Vol. 7, No. 12
Dec. 2015

Photo feature – Volunteering a gift for volunteers

A team from the Ankeny lab takes a break from packaging food for Meals from the Heartland.  By the time their evening shift at the site was finished, they had packaged more than 3,600 servings of food to fight global malnutrition. Kristi Rotzoll, CLIA compliance specialist, polishes tiny fingernails while a group of orphans wait for medical care in Haiti during her week-long volunteer project. Each year, Rotzoll and others spend a week helping to provide health care to villagers in Williamson and Luly through World Wide Village and Grace Community Church. This year, she is part of the planning committee for RunLuly, a 5K in North Liberty, which raises money for the City of the Hill project. All proceeds will be used for a well to provide clean water for the communities, a medical clinic and a vocational school.Kathy Fait, librarian and editor, sorts food for customers at the Iowa City Food Bank. The food distribution center provides clients with weekly supplemental food.  The Food Bank is part of the Iowa City Crisis Center.Deb Bryant, clerk, prepares to deliver some of 110 pounds of food to the Crisis Center and many games and toys to the Salvation Army from donations made by Coralville staff.University of Iowa coaches share a message about the importance of donating blood.  In five blood drives held at the Coralville lab in the past year, a total of 77 units of blood were collected for the UI DeGowin Blood Center.  These drives were open to the public and attended by members of the UI Research Park campus as well as Hygienic Lab staff.