Analytical Chemistry


Staff Experience: Cryptosporidium and Giardia  Analyses Program

Staff Experience: Cryptosporidium and Giardia Analyses Program

Nancy Hall, Environmental Microbiology Manager

Nancy Hall directly manages the performance of Method 1623 and 1623.1. She is one of two Principal Analysts for these methods in which her primary duties are reviewing and releasing all data packages which include microscope photography, and reading slides. This section of the laboratory has been involved with Cryptosporidium and Giardia analyses since 1997 with the Information Collection Rule, round one of the LT2 ESWTR, and now round two. Ms. Hall has worked in the environmental microbiology field for over thirty years and has extensive knowledge in this area including indicator and pathogen testing from various environmental matrices (e.g. food, surface water, drinking water, recreational water). In her current position she has oversight of the environmental microbiology activities in all three State Hygienic Laboratory locations, administers grant and contact activities, trains staff, performs performance evaluations, and maintains NELAP and EPA certifications for various compliance testing performed in these areas.

John Kempf, Environmental Lab Specialist

John Kempf is the lead analyst for EPA Methods 1623 and 1623.1. He performs the elution, concentration, immunomagnetic separation and slide preparation, and is instrumental in training new technicians in these procedures (since 1997 with ICR protocols). He also continues to maintain his annual documentation of competency for all coliform and E.coli analyses performed in the section, specifically Standard Method 9223 that is performed for the LT2 E.coli samples. He is responsible for facility sampling calendar coordination and responding to customer sample kit inquiries.

Cathy Lord, Environmental Lab Specialist

Cathy Lord has been a principal analyst for EPA Methods 1623 and 1623.1 since 2001. She performs the majority of reading the slides and plotting QC data and microscopy photography. She also continues to maintain her annual documentation of competency for all coliform and E.coli analyses performed in the section, specifically Standard Method 9223 that is performed on the LT2 E.coli samples.

Karen Owens, Environmental Lab Analyst

Karen Owens has been certified for EPA 1623 and 1623.1 since 2007 which included round one of the LT2 ESWTR. She performs the elution, concentration, immunomagnetic separation, and slide preparation. She also continues to maintain her annual documentation of competency for all coliform and E.coli analyses performed in the section, specifically Standard Method 9223 that is performed on the LT2 E.coli samples.

References: Available upon request