Vol. 9, No. 10
Oct. 2017

Measles decreasing worldwide but still a threat

Oct. 31, 2017 --

The number of annual measles-related deaths worldwide dipped below an estimated 100,000 in 2016, the World Health Organization reported. This follows an increase in the number of countries providing the second dose of measles vaccine through routine immunization services to 164 (85 percent) of 194 countries. Approximately 119 million persons were vaccinated against measles during supplementary immunization activities in 2016.

Measles is caused by a morbillivirus.Measles is caused by a morbillivirus.

There has been only one confirmed case of measles (rubella) in Iowa since 2011. Earlier confirmations in the state include one case in 2009 and four cases in 2004.

A 2017 measles outbreak in Minnesota sickened 79 people from April 11 to July 13. CDC reported that the total US case count in 2016 was 86 people from 16 states.

From 2000 through 2016, annual reported measles incidence decreased 87 percent, from 145 to 19 cases per million persons. Annual estimated measles deaths decreased 84 percent, from 550,100 to 89,780, and about 20.4 million deaths were prevented due to health measures, including vaccinations. However, the 2015 measles elimination milestones have not yet been met and only one World Health Organization region has been verified as having eliminated measles.