Vol. 8, No. 9
Sept. 2016

Flood instructions available for private wells

Recent torrential rains in northeast Iowa have caused extensive flooding. Many private water wells have been inundated with contaminated flood water, making the well water unsafe to drink and bathe in.

What should private well owners do when a well is flooded? Follow the guidelines outlined on the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) website. According to IDNR, “Any well that has been influenced by flood waters requires professional assessment, necessary cleaning and repairs, chlorination, and finally water quality testing that proves it’s safe to drink before it should be used again.”

Corey Cochran, environmental lab analyst, pours a drinking water sample into a testing tray to determine the most probable number of total coliform bacterial and E. coli.

For well water sampling, testing and guidance, contact your local county health department. Free testing may be available through the Grants-to-Counties program.

If you wish the State Hygienic Laboratory to send a water collection container directly to you for a fee (to evaluate if the shock chlorination was effective; or if flood waters were close to the well and you want to evaluate if the well was compromised), order a container by completing the Order a Water Sampling Kit form. Please state your reason for testing in the comment section and we will send the containers that you need. Remember, if flood water has covered your well, it is advised to contact a certified well contractor to assess, repair and perform shock chlorination BEFORE testing.

Additional resources related to private wells and flooding:

State Hygienic Laboratory

Iowa DNR: