Vol. 8, No. 8
Aug. 2016

Ambassador shares perspectives and aspirations

The State Hygienic Laboratory welcomed Kelli Ryckman as its eighth Environmental and Public Health Ambassador on Aug. 4. Ryckman recently shared with Lab Link a glimpse of her work life, influences and aspirations – on behalf of Iowa babies and as the Hygienic Laboratory ambassador.

State Hygienic Laboratory Environmental and Public Health Ambassadors – past and present – and university and state leadership gather to welcome the newest ambassador Kelli Ryckman (center) during the Aug. 4 celebration. From left are Dan Reed, UI vice president for Research and Economic Development; Rep. Dave Jacoby, 2014/15 ambassador; Sen. Bob Dvorsky; Hygienic Laboratory Director Chris Atchison; and Mike Schultz, 2015/16 ambassador, and associate professor in the University of Iowa Departments of Radiology and Internal Medicine, Radiation Oncology.

What would you like people to know about your career and you?

I have my master’s in Applied Statistics and my Ph.D. in Genetics. I am an associate professor of Epidemiology and Pediatrics at the University of Iowa. I study genetic and metabolic predictors of gestational age and preterm birth.

What would you tell your 20-year-old self about the path you have taken?

I would tell my 20-year-old self that there will be a lot of joy, hard work and payoff down the road, and to remember that persistence, perseverance and resilience are the keys to success.

Describe your aspirations in perinatal and prenatal programs, and other areas in which you have interests.

My aspirations for Iowa’s perinatal and newborn screening programs would be to provide a platform between prenatal and newborn screening that would allow for better surveillance, better continuity of care and research. Also my goal is to improve the care of preterm newborns with developing ways to prenatally predict impending preterm birth and, if the baby is born preterm, to provide tools for detecting and treating illnesses associated with preterm birth.

What have been the greatest influences in your life?

The greatest influences in my life are my mom who showed me how to work hard, persevere in hard times and to be the best me I could be; my husband whose unconditional love and support keeps me grounded; and my kids who make me laugh and bring more joy than I could have ever imagined to my life.

What would you like to achieve as the State Hygienic Laboratory’s Environmental and Public Health Ambassador?

I would like to work with legislators and the community to increase awareness of newborn screening and the benefits of newborn screening research. I would also like to work with Hygienic Laboratory staff, neonatologists, nurses and public health professionals to draft guidelines for consistent screening of babies transferred to the NICU.

What other information would you like to share?

Mom to twin boys born six weeks early, who spent five weeks in the NICU and are now healthy happy five-year-old kindergartners.