Vol. 7, No. 1
Jan. 2015

2015 People's Art Project

The lack of snow during the 35th Okoboji Winter Games did not deter 185 men, women and children from coming out of their shells to form a giant snail on Saturday, Jan. 24 during the People’s Environmental Art Project.

Ruth Wolterstorff of Ocheyedan created the winning design for the eight annual Peoples Environmental Art Project.

The event, famous for using people as its artistic medium, is normally held on the lake next to Iowa Lakeside Lab but delicate ice conditions prompted organizers to move to an open field next to the First Lutheran Church in Milford.

The snail design, created by Ruth Wolterstorff of Ocheyedan, was selected as the winning image from more than a dozen submissions.

“This is a real honor,” said Wolterstorff. “I have been part of this event many times, but never dreamed I would be the artist.” This is the first in time in its eight-year history that the public has been invited to submit a design.

Chad Branham, the project’s 2015 art director, tweaked Ruth’s drawing (see image above) by adding images of people and shadow effects. “All of the submissions were wonderful, but Ruth’s snail best fit our selection criteria,” Branham said.

“I think the snail brings a message about slowing down and enjoying small things,” added Judy Hemphill, who photographed the image (see below) from a plane.