The Office of the Director includes eight offices within the State Hygienic Laboratory that provide specialized organizational services across the laboratory. These offices are: Genomics, Human Resources, Information and Technology, Iowa Laboratory Appraisal Program-CLIA, Organizational Development, Public Policy, Research and Development, and Strategic Communications.


The advancement of genomics is seen as a revolution in personalized health. The focus has been mainly on the ability to improve individual health through personalized treatments and preventions by knowing (and understanding) an individual’s genome.

There is also the growing recognition that heritability of some complex traits and the causation of some complex diseases cannot be fully explained by identified genetic factors (currently), which suggests there may be possible epigenetic explanations (epi - “above”- genetics).

The purpose of the Hygienic Lab genomics office is to explore – in a limited but directed way – the implications, challenges and opportunities associated with the use of genomic sequence information in the newborn period. A team of internal and external experts from the fields of medicine, public health and general science help guide this new program.

Research emphasis will be in:

  1. expanding the scale of data available for analysis in the newborn period;
  2. advancing the understanding of specific disorders identifiable through newborn screening using new DNA-based analysis; and
  3. considering the ethical, legal and social implications of using genomic information in the newborn period.

Because environmental cues also play a role in these processes, the public health laboratory system also investigates the effects of exposure to chemicals or other contaminants in the air, water and soil, as well as the impact of lifestyle choices.